Friday, November 17, 2017

My Open letter to “Sam Pitroda”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda  (Sam Pitroda)

I am a common citizen of India and was flabbergasted after reading your interview by “Mahesh Langa Published on “The Hindu” updated on “November 16, 2017” where you called Gujarat model as bogus.  This is same Gujarat that won over 285 awards under UPA rule. It is Unsporting to change opinions like this. Just because UPA is not in Government and you want to oppose the current Government that’s why you are abjuring Gujarat growth model. The same Gujarat Government which was praised by many congress ministers before 2014.

I can really understand your level of frustration when you said “I find it disgusting when someone says nothing was done in 70 years in the country” but can’t you realize the mistakes made by congress government, which ruled India for the longest period after independence. Still congress has not changed and trying to play same old tricks in Gujarat elections. The level of hypocrisy is achieved when you are saying that “India is a land of opportunities, and everyone doesn't need special privileges for development” and ‘Rahul Gandhi’ luring a caste segment of society for reservation. He thinks by playing this cheap politics he can win Gujarat. ‘Sam’ Guajarati’s are intelligent people and they cannot be deluded by this trick. You could have shown your frustration on this reservation card of Rahul, but then, how will you prove your contiguity with that family.

As per your interview published in “The Hindu” you have raised few concerns and all those are concentrated around proving that Gujarat Model of development is not a successful model. These barren comments stand nowhere on the ground of reality. Let’s examine few of your concerns.

 Your Concern 1- Gujarat State does not spend money on women-centric schemes:
 These are many schemes in Gujarat which are designed to make, woman self sufficient secure and prosperous. I think you have not gone through these and that is the reason you is giving such statements without studying these facts and figures. Here is the brief description of women centric schemes of Gujarat Government. Fish entrepreneur Yojna is for For SC/ST women On Rs. 10,000 unit cost to buy weighing machines, insulated boxes 50% assistance is given. Training is also provided. Krishi Talim Yojana is a scheme is for all rural women farmer’s and farmers wife’s to train them latest technology. Sakhi Mandal Yojna is a loan scheme where Finance is provided to catalyse the process of economic development to ensure the welfare of women, skills development, and the widening framework of micro finance development. Nari Adalat for women security, Chiranjeevi Yojana is to encourage institutional delivery in BPL families. Kunverbai numameru is For daughters of SC, first daughter’s marriage, they can avail Rs.5000 and Rs.2000 is given to girl’s parents/guardian Saraswati Sadhna Yojna For SC girls cycles are provided through this scheme. A sum of Rs. 500 is given to buy a bicycle for girls below 8th grade. For students in elementary & high school food and lodging are provided free of cost. Vidhya Sahay and Talim Yojna is  For women between 18-40 years who have lost their husbands, this is the scheme for their empowerment and improvement of economic living conditions. Rs. 3000 is given under Manav Garima yojna to help them to be self reliant. Monetary help by application is given to the women (Rs. 500) and Rs. 80 (per child) every month through the post office. Swayamsiddhi Yojana is an integrated project for development and empowerment of women, an overall development of women – social, economic and cultural is initiated by providing them with the resources through a sustained process of mobilization and amalgamation of all current projects, with its focus on community oriented innovations, group formation, building knowledge and mobilization of activities. Kishori Shakti Yojana It is a part of ICDS scheme, implemented through Anganwadi centres in both urban and rural. The group of ten girls between the ages of 11-18 are provided health checkups by the Anganwadi centres. They are also provided with literacy skills, knowledge about the health care and decision-making skills. themselves and family Balika Samruddhi Yojana is an initiative where the focus is to change the attitude of community towards the girl child and to improve the enrollment and retention of girl’s child in school, raise the age of marriage for girls. This is basically for the overall development of a girl child. Gaurav Neeti is an initiative to create awareness about the social-economic and educational sector of women and benefit them.

 There is many other schemes successfully executed by Gujarat Government and are supporting/have supported women for resolving various women-centric issues. This point of concern is baseless and seem to be away from reality.

Your Concern 2- You are not happy with land acquisition procedures of the Gujarat Government.   
To plan Industrial development, land is required and it has to be acquired, Sam Either you come up and say that your Congress VP Rahul Gandhi is against industrial development in the country and want unemployment to prevail or withdraw from this allegation of land acquisition. As per “The Gujarat Land Acquisition Bill 2016” that dilutes the Centre's stringent provisions of the Land Acquisition Act 2013 farmers will gain as compensation part. In the urban areas compensation paid to land owners will be 100 per cent of the market value of the land, while in rural areas it would be 400 per cent. So there should not be any issue with this. You are talking about Gandhiyan way of development, for your information  Shree Acharya Kripalan said "If ever there was a planner without elaborate blue-prints, Gandhiji was one. This statement was not from anyone else but “Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani” popularly known as Acharya Kripalani, who was an Indian politician, noted particularly for holding the presidency of the Indian National Congress during the transfer of power in 1947. I  honour Mahatma Gandhi and his theories of moral development but if you support Gandhian theory of economy then you should come forward and say clearly that INC is against FDI and Globalization. If not, then I am bound to consider this statement as hollow.

Your Concern 3- GDP and GNP doesn’t matter until larger sections of society are benefited. So that means you want to say that a larger section of society is deprived.
So either you want to say that larger sections of society are not benefited or you are against GDP growth of Gujarat. So here are the figures

Gujarat had lowest unemployment rate in the country, per-capita income and NSDP is much higher than national average, so if people are earning well and state is creating employment then how can you justify your point that larger sections of society are not benefited in Gujarat. I agree to your point that a large section of society is still poor, unemployed or underemployed in our country and that is what we call as mismanagement of 70 years by ‘Indian national Congress”.

you package or Re-brand Rahul Gandhi by using twitter bots from Russia or India there is a basic problem with your strategy. The approach of INC doesn’t match with progressive Indian society. This is the problem and this is the reason why you are not able to win the hearts of people. The results will be reflected to you after Gujarat elections and congress will be losing in Gujarat assembly elections. I really feel that you people are on a three way crossing where you cannot say that your previous governance was not good and you have something better, Shree Narendra Modi Government is doing everything that can be done for the betterment of our nation, so you have no better plans to present, you are in pressure to present Rahul Gandhi as president of INC. By playing with SM Bots you seem to be eluding your own party workers by justifying counterfeit popularity.
Sam if you do not agree with any of the points that I have stated you can plan an open debate with me on the same and that’s a challenge.
Although I know that because your allegations on Gujarat Government are baseless so you may try to avoid facing me in public.  

Pradeep Mahaur


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