Thursday, August 3, 2017



Orphaned by Congress, Adopted by BJP   

“Everything else can wait, but not Agriculture”!

These were the words of Nehru, the first PM, when India got independence and the priorities were being decided by his team of Ministers and Advisors. The newly liberated independent state of India demanded the focus and concern, as agriculture was the prime revenue basis for India. India then, was dependent on Agriculture, its largest resource and factually maximum population was living in the rural areas. Paradoxically, all these sixty five odd years of Congress and UPA rule, saw Indian National Congress and its leaders progressing, UPA progressing, supporters progressing, the Gandhi Dynasty progressing, Corruption progressing, Ant-nationalism progressing, proximity to failures progressing, accumulating wealth and fortune in India and abroad, everything progressing but except the Agriculture Industry, Indian Farmers and its families.

The Congress focus digressed from Agriculture Supremacy to Self-wealth creation, leaving India in forlorn and a state of lurch. As if the entire nation were children of the dark and to let live in oblivion. Be it Nehru or Indira, or Rajiv and finally into the hands of Sonia through her pigeon puppet, Man Mohan Singh, all abandoning the real growth. With such vast agricultural land available and the farmers ever ready to put all their efforts, the GDP centric agriculture industry took a battering in the hands of Congress, the stepparents.  It was nothing less then of abandoning and leaving the industry and farmers as orphans.

Agriculture in India has had its glorious historical past right from 1800 BC till date. Be it the Bronze age, the Aryan period from 1800 BC to 1600 BC, the Vedic period dating from 1560 BC to 600 BC, the Buddhist Period-6th Century BC, the Magadha Period-4th Century BC, the Asoka Period, 1st Century BC to 2nd Century AD, the Gupta Period-300 AD to 500 AD (the Golden Age), Harshvardhana Empire from 606 AD to 647 AD,all rulersgave utmost care to Agriculture industry, its reforms, development and investments. Even during the Muslim Period from 1206 AD to 1761 AD, land revenue systems were improved, issues of cultivators were resolved carefully, assistance of different domains were provided in large, and farmers had a happy and satisfactory living. Lot of problems and local issues confronted farmers during the British period from 1757 AD to 1947 AD. The Free India had lot of promise for Farmers, but the Free India was the start of nightmare for Indian Farmers and the entire Indian Agriculture Industry.

Thanks to Congress and UPA rule, the economic contribution of Agriculture Industry to GDP steadily declined with the country’s broad based economic growth from 1947 to 2014. Even as on date, Agriculture on a demographic scale, is still the broadest economic sector, having significant base in India’s socio-economic spectrum.It was like the Agriculture Industry and the Farmers communitywasall left orphaned by stepparents: the INC and Nehru dynasty.

Broadly if we try to understand what Agriculture is, it may be explained as an activity that includes cultivation, breeding of animal & plants, food and all those products that improves and sustain life of humans and livestock. This effort entails nourishment and development of civilization. However, importance is that agricultural development differs and depends on factors like climate, culture and science.

Comparing the different world economies post WW II, India stood very strongly to be the No 1 country in its agriculture produce, but slave mindset of the then Government of India, did little to grow its fortune in Agro-based Industry and its allied industries. Nehru had two faces and connived with forces that were close to the authoritarian sentiments, keeping the nationalists out of core and promoting people following his self-created ideology. Nehru was more of a sadist satiating his personal dreams rather pursuing a populist Great India dream. This amounted to a huge gap between Nehru and India, ramifications and scars were apparently visible till 2014. The contrast was remarkably seen by all, resulting in the consolidation of BJP, converging to inclusive development where as INC digressing and divisive, in its mindset, took India to rock bottom levels in all spheres, be it Industry, Technology, Education, Spirituality, Morality, Urban & Rural development and worst hit, the Agriculture Industry and welfare of Farmers.

In most of the developed economies, known as the value chain of food, an output of agriculture industry, costs related to farming declined considerably and marked as efficient Agricultural Economies, but it was a total reverse in India. I reiterate, the orphan ideology toward such a vital sector. The approach was a mere whitewash, whereas the focus was kept on defense, maybe followed by generations (Bofors) to establish personal gains and dynasty’s financial supremacy.

The lack of intent by UPA, towards Agriculture Industry, is ominous from the fact and data which shows that in India, GDP from agriculture averaged just 3981 billion  INR from 2011 to 2017, and reaching its peak at 5468 billion INR  (record high) in 2016. Not surprisingly, the lowest of 2690  billion INR  recorded in the UPA regime in 2011 and accounted for only 13.9% of GDP in 2011 at 2004-5 prices.

The real focus and concern for the industry and welfare of Farmers took off after ShriNarendra Modi became the PM,BJP came to power at the centre and also in several states of India. From 2014 till date one can find the data supporting the exponential growth and smiles on the faces of Farmers and their families.

While viewing the Agricultural Contribution to GDP of various countries, we find India placed at 13th position. India could have been at the top, of the list, had Congress done its due since independence. 

This is separate of the divisive approach to the problems of farmers, their heavy debts and poor living conditions, far away from access to benefits of growth, resulting in disastrous consequences and uncounted fatalities.


1.   Turkey

2.   Mexico
MXN Million

3.   Indonesia
IDR Billion

4.   Canada
CAD Million

5.   Brazil
BRL Million

6.   China

7.   Australia
AUD Million

8.   France
EUR Million

9.   Italy
EUR Million

10. S Korea
KRW Billion

11. Spain
EUR Million

12. Japan
JPY Billion

13. India
INR Billion

14. UK
GBP Million

15. Netherlands
EUR Million

16. Russia
RUB Billion

17. US
USD Billion

18. Germany
EUR Billion

 @Data from Trading Economic
“Comparing the performance of Modi’s three years of BJP rule with that of any previous Government, especially Congress dominated UPA rule, its quite apparent, UPA did nothing, neither in consolidating India’s Agricultural Supremacy World over nor Welfare of Indian Farmers and their families ”.
Narendra Modi, the Messiah of Agriculture Industry in India

What PM Narendra Modi did is apparent as under:

1. India Wholesale Inflation at 11-Month Low                               0.9% In June
2. India Inflation Rate Falls To Fresh Low                                    1.54%
3. India Wholesale Inflation At 5-Month Low                                2.17% In May
4. India Inflation Rate Down To Record Low                                2.18%
5. India Leaves Repo Rate At                                                      6.25%
6. India Holds Repo Rate At                                                        6.25%
7. India Inflation Rate Falls To Record Low                                 2.99%
8. India Consumer Inflation Down To Record Low                      3.17%
9. India Keeps Key Rate At                                                         6.25%

India’s Wholesale Inflation is Below Expectations, India WPI Rises Less Than Expected In March, India Inflation Rate Rises less than Forecasts, India Consumer Inflation rises more than Expected, India WPI Rises The Most In Over 3 Years, India GDP Growth Beats Expectations in Q4, India WPI Rises The Most In 30 Months In January, India WPI Rises at Faster Pace in December, India Inflation Rate Lowest since November 2014 and India WPI Rises the Least in 5 Months.

Abandoning the Agriculture Industry by Congress led UPA

Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Man Mohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, or any UPA leader, the so called ‘Stalwarts’ of Congress proved to be simple Warts stalling growth and doing nothing else. India is very fortunate with the emergence of BJP and Narendra Modi taking over as PM of India: “A new Era of Trust, Corruption Free Governance, Financial Stability, Integrity, Humanity and Social & Infrastructural Development.

Dairy Farming in India

MODIfying & Fortifying Indian Agriculture Industry

In just three years from 2014 to 2017, there has been extraordinary development and growth in the Agriculture Sector, New Policies formed and executed at ground level, Irrigation & Canals reaching to the far placed rural areas. Overall consolidation of allied support industries like Dairy, Poultry, Ornamental Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables, Export & Imports and formation of State Agricultural Corridors marking holistic involvement

Mr Narendra Modi has made it clear that Agriculture is and shall become the backbone of Indian Economy, with the key focus on Farmers Welfare & Education. Today India ranks 2nd in farm output worldwide, proving that more than 60% Indian population still depends on Agriculture. India is proud to be the largest producer of Jute and pulses, and second best in producing wheat, vegetables, fruits and cereals.
The Indian agriculture industry shall be witnessing the induction of most modern and ultra-specific technology & equipment to comfort farmers and provide all possible support in terms of short-term and long-term loans at low interest rates. Making sure 24X7 availability of seeds, bio-manures, training programs, proper warehousing and other logistical assistance.

Some past existing issues overlooked by UPA Government, which in fact has derailed the actual growth of agricultural Industry in India. Apart from the issues of governance, there have been the uncontrollable factors like climate change, rains, and drought. Even issues related to chemical fertilizers, nature of production and its methodology, non-availability of timely financial help, growing demand and interest for floriculture, horticulture and livestock, all have created an imbalance in the production output. A great concern is about the imbalance between the Grain production and Horticulture production. Agriculture Industry is going through a paradigm shift, when it comes to traditional farming,increased liking for dairy and livestock with least uncontrollable impact and safe business opportunities.Our Government is trying hard to create, innovate and formulate ways that can bring back the interests of farmers to traditional farming catering majorly to cereals. Policies are being drafted carefully so as to protect farmers from the risks of price discrepancies, crop disasters and supply channel poaching. It’s only in the last three years, the Modi Government is keen to protect the small and marginal farmers and provide sufficient infrastructural support.

UPA’s 65 years of delinquency and abandoning the key critical issues of the agricultural industry has put the entire farmer’s community to great risk of life and livelihood. Inability to repay loans, difficulty in accessing resources to secure family health and education, rampant dictate of rich farmers and lenders, apathy of Gram Pradhan&Panchayats, all have suppressed them to fatal extent. UPA’s manifestations were not only a part of policy paralysis but policy assassination as well.

The Agricultural Ministry under the stewardship of Hon’bleShriRadha Mohan Singh, and under the guidance of our PM,Shri Narendra Modi, is all committed to extend maximum possible support and services, enabling farmers to be free from the vagaries of climate, distribution difficulties and supply channel commissions. Timely training by State & National Agricultural Institutions,support of Insurance Agencies and Strategic Interventions by research scholars will see the ailing Agriculture Industry regain its pride and wealth.

Immediately after assuming the office, PM Modi realized a critical ongoing crisis of farmers. They were having issues related to selling their produce only to restricted markets, thereby not being able to get the Right Market Price. Profits were minimized for the marginalized farmers. Adding immense problems for their existence.

Recently, under the recommendations of APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee), Government of India has approved to create a ‘Common Electronic Platform’ that will allow farmers to sell their products all across the country. This is a great revolutionary decision that will not only improve the quality of life of farmers, but ability to earn more and pay their lending easily and smoothly.Proposed by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, a National Agriculture Market (NAM) e-Portal has been created where farmers would be able to sell their products anywhere in India, and at the highest price offered. This will also ensure ‘Zero Exploitation’ of farmers and lessen the intimidation by middlemen.

“The Centre has earmarked INR 200 Crore for creation of the NAM portal that targets to cover 585 Mandis across India: 250 in the current fiscal, 200 in 2016-17 and 135 in 2017-18”. (Source: The Indian Express)

Latest relief by PM Modi, to improve farm productivity and lessen the climatic dependency (monsoon), is that the government has approved spending of INR 50,000 crore over the five years to expand irrigation in rural areas.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said: “The major objective of the PMKSY (PradhanMantriKrishiSinchaiYojana) is to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level… expand the cultivable area under assured irrigation.”
(Source: The Indian Express)

What intrigues the nation and me is how could a Government carry no concern for the Farmer’s Community that has taken care of the nation for good seventy years? Was it not unfair to them? Farmers are the people, which still struggle to survive and live with no pride. It’s only in the last 3 years, the farmers feel safe and trust PM Modi, the Messiah, who will lift their lives and bring happiness in their world. Major decisions by the ruling Government for Farmers and the Agriculture Industry will ensure that its contribution to GDP is maximized; a true nature and characteristic of a great global economy.

Failure of Congress/ UPA in providing Security & Insurance to Farmers

All efforts of UPA & Congress towards providing a sustainable solution to provide security & safety to crops including classified insurance schemes, failed miserably, due to lack of governance, carried neither planning nor associating able implementing agencies. All these efforts provided results but only in terms of high profiteering to the Insurance companies only.

Schemes during Congress & UPA regime, mentioned below, all failed:

1. Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme, (CCIS) later scrapped in 1997
2. Experimental Crop Insurance, (ECI) introduced in 1997, discontinued 1998
3. Farm Income Insurance Scheme (FIIS) Introduced in 2003, scrapped in 2004
4. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)

Initially the Government of India experimented with a comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme that too failed miserably. Later in 1999-2000, a new scheme titled “National Agricultural Insurance Scheme” (NAIS) or “Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana” (RKBY) was introduced but in farmer’s perspective, had issues that could not be served with holistic solutions.In fact, these schemes that were promising benefits delivered nothing to the farmers as promised.

As promised in the political agenda of BJP, the Government introduced Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Prime Minister's Crop Insurance Scheme). Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched this scheme on 18 February 2016. This scheme will cover more than 50% of the Indian farmers in few years time. The cap on the insurance has also been removed and the claims will directly be sent to the account of the farmers through electronic transfer. Unique feature of these schemes, not as run earlier in Congress and UPA rule, will exhaustively cover local calamities such as landslide, hailstorm and inundation.

The current BJP Government under the dynamic leadership of our PM Narendra Modi is committed to the development, healthcare and welfare of Farmers making Agriculture Industry the leading contributor to ever growing GDP of India.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
(All Data Source and pictorials from Internet)

Dr. Neeran Gautam 
One Bharat Mission


1 comment:

  1. This Article Shows how Congress Made Agricultre Suffer and Current govt trying to make things right


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