Saturday, August 5, 2017



At the fag end of the second decade of 21st Century, we as a nation, stand ready to rise up on the podium and reclaim our position as a major world power.

NAVAL MIGHT is still the only way to project power across great distances and continents. The technology keeps changing, but the paradigm of power never changes. India once projected its naval might across the seas all the way to Japan, on one end and to Europe on the other end of the globe. 


Centuries of foreign rule, genocides and brainwashing was further compounded by Nehru led communist infested education curricula that removed any reference to our glorious past, our millennia old culture, our sanatan dharma, our military prowess, empires and conquests. A point came when we were even made ashamed of being Hindus. All our symbols of pride were denigrated and a set of foreign cultural and religious values were foisted on the nation. All this was done under the garb of “Ganga - Jamuni Tehzeeb”.

Now as part of the One Bharat Mission, I try to present a balanced view of India and in the process correct some misconceptions about our Maa Bharati.

India’s Naval Might

As Part 1 of the 3 part series, I present to you some history, present & future direction of our naval strength.


We have a proud maritime tradition - naval and commercial. Our maritime traditions find mention even in the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda written before the dawn of biblical historical timelines of human civilization [starting from 2500 years before the birth of Christ i.e. after the purported end of the last ice age] mentions in detail, naval expeditions which used 100 oared ships faring out in the oceans to fight & subdue nations & kingdoms.
The Plava seal

There are mentions of Plava - the side wings of a vessel which gave stability to ships, especially during storms. These plavas are precursor to modern day ship stabilizers.

The Atharva Veda mentions boats that were spacious, well constructed and comfortable

Just thinking of the might and influence that Bharat as a nation wielded over the world makes me so awed.

Bhagwan Varuna is credited with the knowledge of the seas and the winds.

4th century CE has mentions of a compass [Matsya Yantra] being used by Indian mariners to navigate the high seas.

The world’s first TIDAL DOCK was built at Lothal (Harappan civilization] around 2300 BCE, along the Gujarat Coast.

Sea Lanes between India and neighbouring lands were used for trade and conquests of neighbouring nations of the Indian Ocean Region. Our powerful navies over history -

  • Maurya
  • Shatavahana
  • Chola
  • Vijay Nagara
  • Kalinga
  • Maratha
  • Mughal

These navies projected power and influence beyond what any empire normally would.

Chandragupta Maurya had an Admiralty under a Superintendent of Ships. They waged wars, traded and projected Mauryan might beyond and over the seas.
Chola influence over South East Asia

Greek Historian Pliny writes in detail of Indian ships carrying shiploads of gold in payment for trade goods. Aryabhatta & Varahmihira accurately mapped position of celestial bodies & developed a method of computing a ship’s position from the stars

As you can see Indian Maritime History predates western naval history by at least 2000 years [Biblical Timelines] or a few millennia [Vedic Timelines].


Modern Indian Naval story begins Post Independence. WIth Independence the Royal Navy called the Her Majesty’s Navy was partitioned and we got an array of ships like Frigates, Sloops, Corvettes, Minesweepers etc.

Some of the notable ships were -

Frigates HMIS Tir
HMIS Kukri

Corvettes HMIS Assam

Minesweepers HMIS Orissa
HMIS Bihar
HMIS Kumaoon
HMIS Konkan

We got a total of 34 naval ships and all land based vehicles.

Since those day of 1947, India made consistent incremental additions to it's naval strength. Today India operates 295 ships of various categories, including

Aircraft Carriers 3 INS Vikrant [nearing completion]
INS Virat
INS Vikramaditya

Frigates 24 INS Shivalik
INS Satpura
INS Sahyadri
INS Talwar
INS Trishul

DESTROYERS 10 INS Kolkata, Delhi and Rajput

CORVETTES 26 INS Kamorta, Kora,
Khukri, Abhay, Veer

SUBMARINES 14 Nuclear-powered Submarine: 1 Akula II class (Chakra)
Diesel Electric submarines: 13 Sindhughosh and Shishumar
class submarines.

1 Austin class amphibious transport dock class vessel.

LANDING SHIP TANKS      9 Shardul, Magar and Kumbhir class landing vessels
Besides USA, only India has more than one aircraft carrier in service. Each aircraft has its own battle group complete with frigates, destroyers, refueling ships, submarines, fast moving corvettes, anti submarine helos. These battle groups present lethal power in enemy’s territory and projects a nation’s might like no other. Imagine waking up to an armada of battleships, submarines, aircrafts within one’s national marine boundaries!!!!. Its enough to make anyone crap in their pants. Indian Navy projects both Fire & Fear in adversaries & allies.

Today without sending even one man over the border, Indian Navy has the ability to blockade an entire nation. Most of the coastal nations can be effectively blockaded by Indian Navy, if it so decides. That's an immense power to wield.


Indian policy makers are not resting on their laurels. The navy needs to be made bigger, stronger with more variety of ships and more fire power. With this in mind, India established various institutes for design, drafting and building, auditing and testing those designs. Most notable is the Directorate of Naval Design. Our ship yards today make Air Craft Carriers, Destroyers, Frigates and other class of battle, defense, coastal defense ships. Today there are 6 attack (scorpene) submarines Kalavari Class, under construction at the Mazgaon Docks Limited, Mumbai in collaboration with French form DCNS. 

Besides this 2 more nuclear powered SSBN's (Submersible Ship Ballistic - Nuclear) are
nearing completion. They will add more muscle to INS Arihant.  One SSBN INS Aridaman is being readied for sea trials and will soon join Indian Navy. These two will be supported by Akula Class INS Chakra (Nuclear subamrine SSN). These nuclear subs are big submarines with displacements ranging from 6000 tonnes to 12000 tonnes.

The SSN & SSBN (in service and under development) are being fitted with the indegenously developed K-15 SLBM (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile) SYSTEM. The K-15 or the Sagarika is a Hypersonic BRGV Missile capable of delivering nuclear missiles.

New class of Destroyers, Frigates and most importantly Aircraft Carriers (2 under development) INS Vikrant (will be ready for sea trials in 2018) & INS Vishal (Will be ready by 2020). INS Vikrant is a 45000 tonnes displacement carrier with an abilty to carry 30 aircrafts ranging from MIG 29Ks, Kamov helicopters and Recon helos.
BRAHMOS Hypersonic
Nuclear Capable System

The world's fastest Hypersonic BRAHMOS missile system is primarily designed for our naval ships.The ships will soon sport BARAK 8 missiles. One is an aggressive  weapon and the other is a defensive weapon system. Together these missile systems will make Indian ships a force to recon with.

It can be confidently stated that Indian navy is the fastest growing navy in the region.



MARCOS execute Anti-Piracy Ops
India sits astride crucial trade routes and this bestows immense advantage on us. But this geography also places on, us the responsibility to ensure the safety of these trade routes.  Indian Ocean connects Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa. From Gulf of Aden to the Malacca Strait, Indian Navy ensures that piracy at the high seas is controlled and trade routes are secure. INS Sharda along with INS Mumbai, INS Tarkash, INS Trishul and many more, is on deployment in the Gulf of Aden (off Somalia Coast). Indian naval ships escort merchant vessels along the 490 nautical mile long Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). SInce 2008 our navy has -

  • Conducted 41 anti piracy operations,
  • Escorted 3,075 Merchant vessels
  • Ensured safety of 22,448 Indian sailors manning these ships

Indian Navy conducted its 41st anti-piracy operation on 17th May 2017 in the Gulf of Aden. INS Sharda rescued a Liberian ship Lord Mountbatten from somali pirates. It was a textbook operation executed with professional ease and expertise. The ops involved helicopter gunship, MARCOS commandos and high octane chase on the high seas. The end saw capture of somali pirates, their boats and  guns, safety of the Liberian ship & their cargo.


Rescue Ops in India & Extended Neighborhood
Our Navy also conducts record breaking humanitarian services to Indians and other neighbouring nations. During Tsunamis, Floods and other natural calamities, Indian navy is

always ready to come to the aid of Indians and our friends.

  • Gujrat Flood Rescue Ops
  • Jamnagar Foods
  • Orissa Floods
  • Myanmar Rescue Ops
  • Sri Lanka Flood Relief
  • Operation Rahat
These are just some examples of the marvelous humanitarian services that Indian navy does. These services create a powerful impression on friends and tells our enemies of the reach and capabilities of our naval forces.


Indian Navy during MALABAR Exercises
Indian Navy secures our Oil Import Sea Routes through which over India trades with GCC nations. This oil trade is now worth 135 Billion USD, Preserves Indian commercial interests & safety of 7 million Indians working in the gulf region. These Indians work hard and send back remittances to the tune of 40 Billion USD annually. But lately our navy has re-evaluated its role and has assumed the position of Net Security Provider in the Indian Ocean Region.

Joint Naval Exercises Like the MALABAR exercises with USA & Japan cement India's position as a global naval power.

Off late China has upped it's presence in the Indian Ocean, and in light of this challenge, Indian navy has been executing a series of aggressive patrols, increased vigilance (Like they caught a Chinese submarine as soon as it entered Indian Ocean region)

Satellite - Eye in the sky are already sup there in space keeping an eye on the high seas.
Indian Navy gets additional strength with GSAT-7 (Rukmini). This has dedicated
UHF, S, Ku and C-band transponders  that enable Rukmini to keep an eye on the "dancing dragon" from entering our maritime boundaries. It's submarines are detected, followed and usually sent back.

We, in our lifetimes shall see India rise as global power, that balances moral ethics with professional conduct in waging wars & humanitarian aid. 

Jai Hind

One Bharat Mission
Vineet Saxena

Note:- With this article (part 1 of a 3 part series) I, hope to bring to light some facts about our Military Might. Each of the wings of our military will be addressed in the 3 part series. I hope that you the reader, will find them interesting enough to give time to read each part.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Vineet,
    A very well conceptualised article, spelling the road towards Sea Supremacy.
    Truly, the sentiments, collection of Sea Combat Vehicles & Equipment, MODI's Vision of making Asia a Peaceful Plateau and India's Global Leadership, is soon going to be a reality.
    Superfluous Writing!
    Great Vineet!


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