Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Revival of Indian Education

Revival of Indian Education
"Obstinate are the trammels but my heart aches, when I try to break them. The shroud that I wear is a shroud of dust and death yet, I hug it in love".
                         Camouflaged in these lines of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore the predicament that we as human beings confront every day We have been hugging the follies of our past taskmasters not by choice but out of compulsions In other words we know what is right &what is wrong, but we have not developed the strength, the will-power, the capacity to get rid of our weaknesses & limitations. We are well aware of the flaws the lacunas of our education system which was thrust upon us by Macauley a British politician with ego-centric bias of thoughts against India According to him all d traditions of India ,its language Sanskrit etc r uncivilized when compared to Britain He purposely destroyed our indigenous &d best educational system in the world ,nobody objected to it rather accepted their lopsided &ruinous to our v soul system like obedient servants  I wish we had some Nachiketa in our country at that time who had d courage to say white a white &black a black.
 In very ancient times a rich man named Vajashrava decided to perform a sacrifice -YAGNA intended to give the performer a great merit The rite entailed the giving away of all the performer's possessions. However he had no such intentions He instead was going to give away only his cows which were old, barren, blind &lame Nachiketa his sixteen years old son was observing all this.  He realizing what his father was doing was wrong could not resist asking a very difficult question for a father He approached his father with the greatest respect &very humbly inquired of him ""Father to whom are you going to give me? For your sacrifice requires that everything shall b given Father in anger said ""Thou I give unto death"!!Obedient, strong-willed Nachiketa the protagonist of Katha Upnishad went to the abode of Lord "YAMA" the god of death, not finding him at home he waited for him for three days When YAMA returned he was sorry to see them a Brahmin his guest had been waiting for so long. He told Nachiketa  that he had waited in his house for three days without hospitality therefore could ask three favors _boons from him Intelligent Nachiketa first asked for peace for his father &himself."Yama'agreed  ,Second he wished to learn the sacred fire sacrifice ,which also 'Yama'elaborated -For d third wish that was to learn d mystery of death ,soul &salvation 'Yama'was reluctant He in the beginning offered him large kingdoms ,allured him with beautiful women, mounds of gold &diamonds but nothing deterred him from his goal of Seeking True Knowledge of the Self' He rejected all his offers &kept his divine goal &his Self -Esteem above all temptations.  
"What a lustrous Character he had!! What a faith he had in himself!  I offer my salutations to the preceptors &supernal, traditional system of education of the yore that gave our society such perfect gems -Nachiketas           We lost d best &imbibed d worst from d West The problems that our educational system is confronted with today are formidable In d present straight-jacketed, stereo -typed, uninspiring, frustrating system of education which was designed under the British rule with an objective to prepare English speaking educated slaves. Our children have no space to widen expand their innate powers ,spread their wings of aspiration  ,know their heritage their country to which they belong ,they with d loads &loads of irrelvant curriculum, books learning material feel suffocated ,listless ,lifeless ,disinterested in studies Cores of our children drop out of the system of education before completing elementary education Only 6-8 percent of the young people of the relevant age are in our higher education &the spirit of nationalism Nationalism has suffered serious injuries because we have not been able to affirm the national identity. If we really wish to Indianise &update our education system as per today's needs like over-population etc &reclaim our past glory, we will have to bid good bye to the ghost of Macaley It is a confirmed fact that if anybody who wish to destroy & eliminate a civilization from the globe,-take away its LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, ART&CULTURE &DISTORT Its HISTORY. that civilization will b fossilized This is what Britishars, Mughals, Christians have been doing for centuries Colossal damage have been done ,our children hardly know about their rich heritage ,great saint &sage scientists ,great psychologist who left behind a vast ocean of knowledge. We can get the jewels &pearls only when we dive deep into the ocean.                                
 Friends the Golden-Era of New Bharat has ushered in with the new BJP Govt

in the center Our faith has returned with the smiles on 125 crores of people This govt has the courage, the will, the strength to stand up &see to it that the light which is in us overcomes completely the darkness & makes us people

whose whole life reflect the imprisoned luster &splendor .We may enter the light but to touch the flame requires a complete revival of Indian education. When that revival takes place we will be worthy of becoming enlightened, alert, conscious citizens of this country, Great Bharat                                                                    

Sri Aurobindo ---"If India is to rise again "SANSKRIT"lanm .  Use role in education and national
written by 
Dr. Shobha Chandla
One Bharat Mission  

1 comment:

  1. always best leader, entertaining and education! Keep those blog posts usefull,,,,,, good reading them all from start to finish!

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