Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Politics Of Castisim : Will India Reject This Game of Congress ?

I am not going to write something different today. We have problems with our core system hence you may see some existing issues being repeated here.
Divide and Rule is the British game later inherited by Congress Party post-independence.
You may ask what was the necessity? 

Well, there could be several reasons and one of the most important is for 'Vote Bank Politics'
India, 3rd largest economy yet called 'Third World Country', Why? 

It would be wrong to hold only congress party responsible for such destruction our country, along with Congress we are equally responsible, aren't we? Here is the

Recently, Govt India decided to remove LED screens from Tejas Express (The train runs between Mumbai - Goa)

I felt ashamed.

But Govt Had To remove these Items Becoz We Passengers Were Destroying them..

Why Can't our Citizens Respect Public property?

We have a lot of things in our basket like Poverty, Education, Caste, Corruption and of course reservation.

Are we seriously trying to get rid of these problems?

Hell No!

As per 2011, India's literacy rate is 74%. Do you know what does it means?
It means 74% are educated fools are living here in my country. Why am I little harsh here? Because I believe this 74 % people are the one who easily gets manipulated by false promises, fake propaganda, casteism etc.

Let me prove this with an example. Today, In Karnataka, once again I see things are getting repeated. Once again Hindu will be divided. But Why?
The whole concept of Lingayatism has been fueled by the Siddaramaiah led state government because the Congress party has never been supported by the Lingayats. This is clearly an attempt to polarise the Lingayat/Veerashaiva community by the Congress party For Electoral Gain 
Why am saying this now?

We idiots (educated fools) will be played on the basis of caste by people who never want to India to progress. Hell, nobody is talking about basic needs, development, education etc. 

I am completely devastated. I don't know what to do. Will our country ever come out of these things?

Now It's Over to you Indians To Decide Will You Vote And Give Power To Such Party which want to Ruin Our Motherland Bharat/India And its people
-Akash Dugam( Twitter : @Akash_Dugam)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

But This Government Failed : View of A Indian Citizen On Government

Dear Fellow Indians I Am Venkat Sundararajan (‏@vnktab) Here Is my View on Current Government Of India As per My Analysis and thinking You can Defer But If you Agree Share this Article

You said people are not in the financial system. Brought Jan Dhan Yojana Brought Atal Pension Yojana Brought Term Insurance (332PA) Brought Accident Insurance (12PA) Now trying to get the medical Insurance You wanted to low tax slab started from 2.5 Lks at 5%  NPS limit raised to 50K. For every girl child born you save money to get interest and get tax-exempt Sukanya Smaridhhi All MNREGA salary was transferred to bank accounts. With All above, people were given access to all Financial Instruments

But This government didn't do anything So it Failed

Then you asked what about Agriculture, MSP was raised marginally which was of no use MNREGA was geo-tagged to build water resources Neem Coating urea stopped UREA pilferage New Crop Insurance Mechanism brought in, Subsidy for Drip Irrigation E NAM

But this government failed.

You wanted loans but banks were under distress MUDRA was Launched NCLT NPA resolution happening Bank recapitalized by bonds (not tax payer money) Govt, Asking banks to lend more to sme's But you know this government didn't do anything
Before this GST kicked in Hardly people know what was the indirect tax they were paying for products and to my knowledge many people didn't even know they were paying indirect taxes but who cares, This government did not create awareness among people

So this government failed.

People said absolute neglect given to healthcare since 2014 but don't to see Swacch Bharat, AMRUT, is linked to Healthcare. Today 70% indians have access to Toilets, More than 60% india is open Defecation free, More districts are coming into safe drinking water net under AMRUT.
then stent price reduction, Knee Cap price reduction, Jan Aushidi Stores, More Medical Colleges, More importance to Dharmic Medicines (AYUSH), More preventive checks ups through Health Ministry.

 But this government didn't do even a bit,so it failed
Then why is India Still dark, Yes that is why rural electrification is happening all 18K villages are to be electrified then states will give last mile connectivity. More power plants running at 70%+ capacity today. By using LED every household saves 100rs on bills.
it didn't end there, street lights are changed to LED, Low cost LED bulb, energy saving fan are given to minimize carbon emission. more renewable energy is given importance. 20 GW solar energy target met 4 years in advance have you ever heard this?

But this government failed.

Indian Household never had access to LPG & many people used to post pictures of women holding kerosene tin in front of PDS shops. Today there are given LPG & govt urging states to reduce kerosene intake, 6 States already stopped kerosene intake.

 But this government failed.

People mocking based on edited video of modi responding to girl on climate change & we mock modi. But you know, this govt ordered E Cars for delhi to battle climate change, bring more renewable power, reduce kerosene intake, promote organic farming.

But this government failed.

People asked about security in the country. Tell me place in the country where (Barring Kashmir Valley,North east, Naxal) where terror attacks happened & people lost life. when was last manipur blockade happened, Tripura relaxing AFSPA due to reduce in terror.
NSCM cadres are being apprehended regularly, Naxals getting hammered from the time india lost war against naxal to naxal presence is now reduced to one state. Kashmir valley i don't have to say. State/Center Security agencies have done good work.

But this government failed.

Security has been top priority & this government got Seychelles island for monitoring, Now on talks with France & Oman on similar ones, Joined Malacca patrol group, Hambantota which might have been Chinese base has been thwarted same awaits in Male. But this government failed.
OROP which CONGRESS denied has been implemented. More arms being bought, rational spending and speedy acquiring more research on make in india. LCA TEJAS was indefinitely postponed, NAL SARAS & Many projects are leading now.
But This government failed.

Most importantly, the region which was neglected for decades is being looked after now. Trains connectivity funding everything is reaching NORTH EAST today.

But who cares this government failed.
Some good soul said 2014 said if 50% of the manifesto in NDA is worked, India will leapfrog & i see many fundamentals have been set right after decades which itself is path-breaking. More work is needed but doing this after a decade of decay is HUGE.
But this government failed.
Many Of My Fellow Citizens Are Interested in Pressing NOTA in 2019 LS election, By Pressing NOTA You Are Welcoming Congress Back to Take you to Gallows Again Like it Did From 2004 -2014
So Think Calmly Before Voting ..

Jai Hind

Tik-Tok App. Should be Banned in India

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