Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Politics Of Castisim : Will India Reject This Game of Congress ?

I am not going to write something different today. We have problems with our core system hence you may see some existing issues being repeated here.
Divide and Rule is the British game later inherited by Congress Party post-independence.
You may ask what was the necessity? 

Well, there could be several reasons and one of the most important is for 'Vote Bank Politics'
India, 3rd largest economy yet called 'Third World Country', Why? 

It would be wrong to hold only congress party responsible for such destruction our country, along with Congress we are equally responsible, aren't we? Here is the

Recently, Govt India decided to remove LED screens from Tejas Express (The train runs between Mumbai - Goa)

I felt ashamed.

But Govt Had To remove these Items Becoz We Passengers Were Destroying them..

Why Can't our Citizens Respect Public property?

We have a lot of things in our basket like Poverty, Education, Caste, Corruption and of course reservation.

Are we seriously trying to get rid of these problems?

Hell No!

As per 2011, India's literacy rate is 74%. Do you know what does it means?
It means 74% are educated fools are living here in my country. Why am I little harsh here? Because I believe this 74 % people are the one who easily gets manipulated by false promises, fake propaganda, casteism etc.

Let me prove this with an example. Today, In Karnataka, once again I see things are getting repeated. Once again Hindu will be divided. But Why?
The whole concept of Lingayatism has been fueled by the Siddaramaiah led state government because the Congress party has never been supported by the Lingayats. This is clearly an attempt to polarise the Lingayat/Veerashaiva community by the Congress party For Electoral Gain 
Why am saying this now?

We idiots (educated fools) will be played on the basis of caste by people who never want to India to progress. Hell, nobody is talking about basic needs, development, education etc. 

I am completely devastated. I don't know what to do. Will our country ever come out of these things?

Now It's Over to you Indians To Decide Will You Vote And Give Power To Such Party which want to Ruin Our Motherland Bharat/India And its people
-Akash Dugam( Twitter : @Akash_Dugam)

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