Sunday, July 2, 2017



‘How could they hate us so much’: Family in shock after 16-year-old Muslim boy stabbed to death on train

In this case, as per news reports (not much credence), the altercation started over seats. It was quickly given a "Beef Excuse" cover by the perpetrators. But was this crime, a case of rage over a trivial matter of seats or was it something more?

Would this crime not have happened, if the victims were of same religious background as the criminals?

The answer to both these questions is the religion of the perpetrators and the victims is immaterial here. the crime would have happened even if both were of same religious dispensation. The crime happened due to rage and fury of the moment. No one reports, and there is no way to verify, what happened between the two sides. It will always be a case of "HE SAID SHE SAID". The fact that the victims were muslims and the perpetrators were Hindus, plays very well into the hands of the left leaning, faux liberal news media. The media has been left bereft of any issues at the government level - no scams, no corruption etc.

"No News is Bad News" for the MSM. So they use every tit-bit, put a very nice helping of communalism, class or caste colour over it and present it in a particularly inflammatory manner. "BLAME THE HINDU" is a go-to ploy for these lutyen's cabal of incestuous cronies.
Now coming back to the question asked by that poor boy's family -
As unfortunate as this ghastly criminal act is, the question asked by the victims family is a valid one. It's a question that is asked by every surviving family member of every victim of hate of every colour, type and variety.

HATE -     is irrational

 HATE -      eats away at one's basic      
                    humanity till all that's left is anger    
                    and it seeks a source it
                    can blame & attack.

If this was indeed a hate crime as is being portrayed by a vulturish media, then it indeed is doubly sad. But as I said HATE may be irrational but it always arises from something and is directed at something. For decades muslims under protection from so called secular governments and connivance of law enforcement, have subtly humiliated the majority community in myriad ways. Over decades, this behavior was condoned and even encouraged by politicians of every type, in exchange for captive muslim vote bank.

Never has the muslim community, shown any desire for co-existence, co-operation or respect for the majority community. They are forever, either playing victim or else victimizing someone. This phenomenon is visible in every country that has any muslim population. All this breed hatred, borne out of fear, amongst the victims of muslim aggression.

I for one, refuse to see this as anything more than a heat of the moment crime with zero pre-meditation or intent.

Now am I blaming the victim??
I am simply trying to answer the question that the family asks.

The family rightly asks - "How could they hate us so much"

Had the crime been related in any way to a communal angel of "beef eating" (which it most certainly, is not), it would beg the question -

"The law prohibits slaughter of cows, the majority community reveres the cow as mother & there are innumerable food options besides eating cows, does it not make it the civil duty of each muslim, as citizens of India, to observe the law and show a little respect to the sentiments of the majority community who revere the cow as "gau maa" and consider her divine?"

No freedom is absolute - it always comes with some responsibilities and caveats.

  • Muslims deny food to Hindu hostlers in Aligarh Muslim University during Ramzan, is it ok???
  • Muslim slaughtering the gau maa and eating her, inspite of well known Hindu sentiments and prohibitory laws, is it ok?????

Their Freedom to eat food of their choice does not give them the right to humiliate Hindus and then expect no blowback. Muslims choosing confrontation and hate gets them these very thing in return. The hate they show to others is returned back to them, sometimes in a form that claims life of an innocent boy.

Vineet Saxena
One Bharat Mission

1 comment:

  1. Media is Managed by Break India forces

    Indians need to understand that they need to think before reacting


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