Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sanskrit Is Heavenly Language

Sanskrit is the Language of Heavens
Sanskrit was introduced on earth by the eternal sages mentioned in our Vedas. There is a fixed pattern of grammar and vocabulary of Sanskrit language which has never changed. We can say that the language was introduced to humans by seven sages mentioned in “Vedas” and “Upanishads” As per Vedas we are the descendents of those seven sages who created our genetic makeup and are responsible for the existence of human society.

Some of us have a tendency not to believe anything without proper scientific evidences so for them we will bring up some scientific evidences later in this article.
If we believe this theory then we have to believe that those extra terrestrials who had ability to create our genetic code must be communicating to each other in some language. Obviously when they had a language then they will teach same language to the humans they created.
This makes us believe that Sanskrit is not a language created on earth but it is a language learnt by us from those heavenly people or seven sages.

Scientific Evidence of Seven Sages
Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute and Vladimir I. Shcherbak from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University spent 13 years working for the Human Genome Project – a mission that hoped to map out human DNA.Their conclusion was that humans were designed by a higher power, with a “set of arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language” encoded into our DNA.They believe that 97 per cent of non-coding sequences in human DNA is genetic code from alien life forms
Not only this there are other research work done on this subject and the results are really surprising and defer with many of our textbook theories. The research published in the open access journal Genome Biology focuses on the use of horizontal gene transfer, the transfer of genes between organisms living in the same environment. This is the first study to show how widely horizontal gene transfer (HGT) occurs in animals, including humans, giving rise to tens or hundreds of active 'foreign' genes,' said lead author Alastair Crisp from the University of Cambridge. Surprisingly, far from being a rare occurrence, it appears that HGT has contributed to the evolution of many, perhaps all, animals and that the process is ongoing, meaning that we may need to re-evaluate how we think about evolution

Sanskrit is Not A Man Made Language
Image result for sanskrit l
Now we understood that human DNA is not from this earth and Sanskrit is the oldest language of human civilization but there are few more facts that confirm that either the older civilization were much superior in terms of science and technology from what it is now or some outer forces were guiding the research and development.
You would be shocked to know that Agastya Samhita gives the exact procedure to build a battery. With the specifications mentioned in Agastya Samhita, one can create a battery of 10 volts which is good enough to light your house. There are evidences in Vedas which prove that aeroplane was a vehicle discovered in the Vedic age which could not just move from one country to another, but also from one planet to another.  "In those days aeroplanes were huge in size, and could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward. This looks like UFO’s we have yet not discovered or understood its technology. Some of you may feel that I am going too far and trying to put some science fiction theory. Even in Mahabharata Akshay Patastra is mentioned which could travel to other solar systems and come back. Descriptions of Bhu-mandala have features that identify it as a model of the solar system. Even the distance of the sun from earth mentioned in Rig ved stands true after invention of modern telescopes. Now the point comes that why can’t we recreate that technology and the only answer is that there is a possibility that the complete technology is lost or hidden by someone so that it cannot be misused. What we have is only the brief description of the same and mathematical outcomes of distances and structures.
These evidences are used by scientists and continuous research is going on to understand the technology so that same can be reinvented.
These facts make us reach to one conclusion that Sanskrit is not the human language but it has some relation to the extra terrestrials or sages who are responsible for our existence on earth.
In other words sanskrit is an alien language that was brought to earth by those aliens (ancient sages) who came to earth from their mother planet. The sages of Vedic era (Called Rishis in sanskrit) were the researchers and scientists of those days. They had different levels like Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist etc who were called Rishis, Maharshis and Brahmarshis, Brahmarshis being the senior most of them. It was taught on planet earth by the ancient Indian sages (scientitsts) whose fore fathers were from some alien planet.

Sanskrit For Every Human

Hindu is Religion with widest knowledge base. Many of the books like Vedas are having very descriptive and has in-depth knowledge of Every Subject. People around the world have always respected the preaching’s of Hindu religion.
The base of most of the religious books is Sanskrit but we seem very reluctant in spreading the knowledge of Sanskrit to all Hindus. We have very few Sanskrit colleges and in those colleges also only students who want to become priests and Pundits, take education.
My point of view is to make Sanskrit a part of our Hindu culture despite of any caste, creed etc. There should be a Sanskrit teacher in every Hindu house for their children.
Its not necessary to make everyone a Sanskrit scholar but to spread the literacy of Sanskrit and understanding of Hindu Dharam Grantha. Bhagwad geeta should be made compulsory for every child.
.We have very limited places to teach Sanskrit so let’s all work in this direction and spread the knowledge of Sanskrit. We should have more Sanskrit schools not in India but around the world. Such a sacred language is a heavenly gift to human society and that should not be confined to any geographical boundaries or religion but should be known and understood by every human being on this earth.  

Teach Vedas, Upnishads and Bhagwad Geeta to every caste and creed. I claimed that every Hindu should learn Sanskrit doesn’t mean that Sanskrit should be limited to the followers of Hinduism but every human should learn this language. We are moving fast in technology and in few decades many unknown facts of our universe will be revealed and then this language may open the doors of communication with extra terrestrials. If not then still such rich language which comes from beyond the human civilization should be understood by maximum population on the earth.  

Written & Published By



  1. Article convinces importance of Sanskrit while we admire & want our generations to reveal the hidden treasures of the same we are presently unable to find good teachers it would be good to have self learning site is created by the Ministry !


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