Monday, July 24, 2017




WHAT THE F***!!!


Is this the same Congress that claims from rooftops & TV screens daily that they gave us independence??

Is It???


Latest expose by times now of the Safdar Nagori confession tapes has made me absolutely, raving mad. I am sure you too would be, after you have managed to go thru the five tapes put out by times now…. Without breaking your TV set or getting angry. 

The Samjhauta Express was run as a goodwill train between Delhi and Lahore. But 18 February 2007 all the goodwill died in a bomb blast that ripped apart the train killing 68 persons and maiming over 50 people. 

What followed was a travesty and a morbid saga of treachery, cold blooded political mechanitions, entrapment of innocents and subversion.

All evidence pointed to a Pakistani hand, Pakistani nationals were identified and arrested, Pakistan supported Indian terror organization like SIMI were caught but suddenly the story was twisted on its head.

Safdar Nagori was caught and then suddenly let off aling with other accomplices. But now skeletons have started tumbling out of the congressi closet. Safdar Nagori's tapes are now out and they tell a damning story.

TNagori clearly states the names, places and method of the entire operations…..He names the Pakistan connection, how money flowed in through hawala, how Muslims were radicalized on false propaganda. Yet none of these angles were explored by the then NIA. Was it under orders from Congress??

The evidence was buried. After interviews from witnesses, Pakistani national Ajmat Ali was caught by agencies. He was mysteriously let off in 14 days and then securely & secretly deported back to Pakistan. The phrase Hindu Or Saffron Terror was coined and then Home Minister proudly announced the existence of Hindu Terror. Entire congress machinery went into overdrive painting the Hindu, into a terrorist. And the nationalist RSS was blamed and framed as a terror organization. For years the presstitutes made "mucho moolah" over chest beating and haraunging the Hindu community and the RSS. This nationalist organization stood stoically. We, the Hindu faced daily attacks on our sadhus and sadhvis, even the armed forces were abused.


Hear the Nagori Confession Tape 

They say terror has no religion or colour but congress gave terror a name - Hindu Terror & a colour - Saffron. Suddenly the entire Hindu community was put on the defensive and humiliated. Daily Pakistan used  these made up lies and slapped India on its face. Owaisi, Congressis, Sickularists Libtards and Presstitutes of various colours slammed and shamed us.

The Hindu just hung his head and bore the abuses. Congress even produced three faces of Hindu terror Lt Col Purohit, Swami Assemanand, Sadhvi Pragya. They were made poster boys of Hindu terror and we all were shamed into submission.

Why did congress shield Pakistan and create the bogey of Hindu Terror??? They, in the process made India vulnerable to international rebuke, gave arch enemy Pakistan a shoe to slap on our faces. Pakistan never hesitated to use that shoe on India. Every time Pakistan was cornered they brought out that shoe and slapped us on our face, AGAIN AND AGAIN.

We bore it quietly because for the first time Hindu was being blamed for causing death through terror attacks. But now faced with new revelations… Will we still be quite??

Will we not rise up together and hold Sonia Gandhi and her cabal of gundas, mafia goons, corrupt netas and liars and anti national traitors - To Account. Will we hold them answerable?

Vineet Saxena


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