Mission accomplished but his family at home in Pathankot shattered. Our history books on freedom-fighters replete with soul-stirring, gut wrenching stories of pain & agony that our martyrs went through. How many of us realize the price they paid for this freedom that we take for granted.
Sometimes we really wonder & ask ourselves – Were their bodies made of steel, nuts and bolt? Were their senses numbed? Friends, What was that emotion that prompted them to lay down their lives for their country. It can be nothing but sense of nationalism, their intense love for the country that propelled in them the sense of conviction, courage and dedication for their country that we call Bharat our mother our मातृभूमि vedas call sach illustrious patriots as motherland’s ‘patriotism अमृतस्य पुत्र or Immortal sons’.
The great nationalist of this century Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Says :-“Nationalism is something that comes from God, it comes to those who have opened to it, the rare ones, and it is this Nationalism that must assert itself in every day of national life, in every thought, every action, & every fraction of time”.
The sense of nationalism is not an ordinary emotion or a sudden upsurge of euphoria of patriotism that we often witness during cricket matches, It descends on a person or a group of people as a grace, from the highest realm of God’s Kingdom. Our birth in this sacred land is not just a chance it is God’s will that we should serve this nation & work for its regeneration, redemption.
Our ‘One Bharat Mission’ believes that a country can progress, develop, evolve only when people of the country are dedicated nationalists to the core, they not only believe in its core values but they live them. One Bharat Mission hailed the decision taken by H.C. of Tamil Nadu on ‘Vande Matram’.
Vande – Matram is a song composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Chattopadhyay) is not just a song but a Mantra that resonated in the minds & hearts of millions of nationalists and won us freedom. But strange, there is a section of our population that never relishes an idea that unites Indians and that give them a sense of National Pride & Belonging.
It is the attitude that determines your altitude. The recent placement of a tank in JNU has been made by some anti-india elements into an issue of debate. They took it as a move by government. to threaten the anti-national students & teachers who shouted the slogans– अफज़ल गुरु हम शर्मिंदा है, तेरे कातिल ज़िंदा हैं ……
Whereas the other section of people took it as a memorial established to pay tribute to our brave – hearts – Attitudinal problem?
I am happy to note that social media is now a days changing the narratives. Our youth is gravitating towards R.S.S., BJP and towards the truth of India, and observing everything by being unbiased.
They must know Japan and Singapore progressing leaps & bounds, because of their sense of pride in their nation.
One taxi – driver who did not take money for his mistake of taking the guest from the long route said that those who drive taxi in Singapore called diplomats ‘ of Singapore without a diplomatic passport every citizen here is on ambassador of his nation.
Citizens must realise that every product of a country that carries the label ‘ made in also carries the respect & dignity of every citizen of that country. True pride in one’s country is demonstrated by making the finest products to the best of one’s abilities.
Having pride in one’s own country does not cannot to the feeling that my country is better than you.
सर्वेभुवनन्तु सुखिनः….. मित्रस्य चक्षुआ…….वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम
- Define the values of our country - The whole world is one family. All are our friends & all should be happy & peaceful.
Our values emphasise again & again that nationalist should not be taken in a narrow sance or superficially. Patriotism is our national pride not chauvinism. Without nationalism human progress is not possible.
“Indian nationalism is neither narrow nor selfish. It is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race, Viz, Satyam (The true) Shivam (the good) Sundram (the beautiful)
The first step towards nation building is the creation of true men and the second step is organisation.
Subhash Chandra Bose
Jai Bharat
Jai Hind
ReplyDeleteVery Intruging Article
I Agree All Indians Should Have Nationalisim From Heart MInd Spirit