Sunday, July 23, 2017


BATTLE for the soul of the nation is underway.
No one can claim neutrality-
        not you,
                    not me,
                                not anybody
This battle is part of the eternal battle between Good & Evil, Dharma & Adharma.

We the people have been led to believe a certain set of facts that were based on lies and falsehoods. These lies were believable because, like all good lies, they had a kernel of truth. These lies appealed to our nobler sides. To question these lies became akin to blasphemy, the questioner was immediately condemned to what was & still, derisively, called Sanghi. Like the drug addict we fed on these lies and stopped questioning. Poverty was made noble [Remember the movies of yore where the movie hero would proudly declare - हम गरीब है पर इज्जतदार है ( I may be poor but I am proud and have honour)]
How can poverty be noble??? But the citizens never questioned it and consequently, the nation was trapped in a cycle of unending poverty, ineptness and incompetence.
Overt display of religious sentiments was frowned upon. Being Hindu and showing it was condemnable as well as communal. But being a proud muslim/christian was a good thing. Entire demographics were changed. The entire north east was converted to Christianity. Kerala & Bihar, West Bengal were slowly Islamized. India had become the favourite play ground of religious proselytisers. The netas colluded and encouraged this - after all these conversions provided ready vote banks. Successive Congress governments made sure that the nation was condemned to an unending cycle of poverty. When congress was overthrown, it was replaced by ex-congressis. These netas were worse than congress. Remember the incompetent Janta government, the anarchist V.P. Singh - he used caste as a weapon to gain power, the opportunist third front experiment. All these disasters made us a nation of losers & whiners. The world gave up on us, hell we gave up on us.
If you disagree, look back and remember how many times you said - इस देश का कुछ नही हो सकता!
The best and brightest left Maa Bharati and went out into the world searching for a place here their talent can be appreciated and applauded. The system betrayed them and they were forced to leave.

Maa Bharati was slowly dying, being killed by its own. Did we care? Hell No! Most of us went with the flow and gave up  on our motherland.

2014 C.E.

Rise of Narendra Damodardas Modi on the national scene has brought in a new player in a one ideology battlefield. Suddenly being Hindu stopped being a dirty word, wearing a tilak or sporting the trappings of the Sanatan Hindu faith became fashionable.

Ineptness and corruption were tackled head on. Governance became proactive and an energy was infused into a defunct system. The governance machinery started working and delivering what it was required to deliver.
The economy is being cleaned and some of the best practices of leading economies are being implemented. Black economy is under attack and is now shrinking. New energy is flowing into the veins of Maa Bharati.

All this is being done with Sanatan Hindu beliefs at the center.

This is what bothers “them” - the purveyors of sloth and corruption. Congressi ecosystem is under threat. As congressi bastions fall one after the other, the Queen Bee and her army of drones is worried. The courtiers who fed off this corrupt edifice are increasingly under threat of losing their honeywell. So they have joined hands and declared a relentless war of attrition.

Make no mistake about it - IT IS WAR! It's a fight for the soul of Maa Bharati.

The drones and courtiers don different cloaks and come from different backgrounds but all of them feed off the same honeywell. This honeywell is being drained by good governance and anti corruption reforms. So they have joined hands to attack Modi, in hope that they will be able to maintain status quo and keep their honeywell.

This attack, though multi faceted is quite predictable and obvious. It's based on the deep rooted biases that they hold dear. Modi’s Hindu credentials are used to paint him as divisive and polarising figure. His anti corruption moves are painted as anti people. His reforms are denounced as anti poor. We all remember the pre-election campaigns run by these drones -

  • The Award Wapsi,
  • The Intolerance Debate,
  • The Dalit Question and now the latest……
  • The Beef Brouhaha

In their desperation, they have fallen such that they don't even mind colluding openly with the enemy nations like Pakistan and China. They openly advocate their interference into national matters, they spread lies and malign nation’s image on international stage, they twist and highlight every event on international and national stages in hope that they can destroy the new image that Modi is drawing for Maa Bharati. They don't care if they harm the nation, create permanent rifts among communities and rend apart the national fabric and unity….. Just so long as they can beat Modi and win this war of ideology. Thereby preserve their honeywell of illicit money.

While Modi wages an uphill battle for the soul of the nation. Many right minded sons and daughters of Maa Bharati are fighting in his corner…

It's time for you, dear reader, to pick up a side…

But before you do ponder this…

  • Would you, as a son/daughter, be ready to face a few decisions that might, temporarily, make life a bit difficult & make you more accountable?

  • Are you ready to stand up for the sanatan soul of Maa Bharati? Are you willing to do your duty as citizens?

The path will have its challenges but which path, worth walking, is not difficult? We all know, in our guts, that the rewards for walking this difficult path will be many. That down this path lies the glorious of future for our children and  motherland.

Do we let things turn back to the inept, corrupt & suffocating years of misrule by congress and its stooges. Do we return back to the days where we sit in our homes shake our heads and say इस देश का कुछ नही हो सकता!


Do we stand up and fight as CITIZENS and HINDUS?

Vineet Saxna



  1. I m on Side of Dharma And for My Maa Bharti

  2. Yes I am also in.
    Ready for any challenge

  3. Yes I am also in.
    Ready to face any Challenge

  4. Will always support Transforming India into New India & believe it will take time & some harsh decisions by GOI may be upsetting now but better for future of our Dharma & generations to come ! Well presented thoughts Vineet .... Great Job !


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