Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Boogey Of Saffronisation Of Education Its genesis & implications

Its genesis & implications!

Generations of Indians have and will continue to grow up believing unfounded, discredited history.

* Vedic Civilization came into existence 1500 BCE. 

* Ramayana, Mahabharata are myths. 

*Vedas were written during 1500-500 BCE. 

*Hindu religion is just 3500 years old.

* India was never a nation in traditional sense. 

* A conglomerate of small states, peopled by caste riddled, misogynistic people who were civilized by advent of Islamic & Christian invaders. 

* Mo. Ghazni was a great conqueror and administrator. 

* Akbar was great. 

* Ashoka was a barbarian cruel ruler. 

* His empire is of no consequence. 

Only Ashoka’s peaceful pursuits were highlighted
The Cholas, Pallavas, Chalukyas, Marathas Etc were just regional satraps but Tipu Sultan was great ruler
Gandhi and Nehru gave us freedom, Bhagat Singh was a terrorist. 

Such crap is taken as authentic history and any alternate narrative is ridiculed and derided as “Saffronisation”. This resistance to correcting past mistakes is forcing countless Indians to continue to have a skewed view of their own history. They grow up rootless and with a deep sense of inferiority about their culture and religion.

I think we all remember a time when it was considered uncool to be overtly Hindu. Singing bhajans, greeting friends with a traditional greeting like “Radhe Radhe” was outright urgh! It's been a slow and agonizing road to reassertion of our Hindu identity. Without reorganizing the outdated, biased education policy and systems, we cannot have pride in our history, our culture and our religion. We will continue to be rootless & rootless saplings don't grow up to be mighty trees, they cannot hope to be Vishwa Guru.
A lot has been written about the need to rewrite history books along with a number of other books. The Macaulay inspired education system was designed by the British, to create a class of “BABUS”. These babus were a class of Indians who were indoctrinated to accept the superiority of the Christian/British rule. This class of rich, heavily indoctrinated, biased Indians inherited the rule after the British left India. They used the tricks of their white masters to rule. The netas too, that came to power during the post independence days of 40’s & 50’s were largely from this class of “Bhura Sahibs”. They were educated and indoctrinated in mission schools usually by British teachers and taught the history written with a eurocenteic, white supramacist mindset. They imbibed the same world view as and this inspired them to interpret India's glorious past with a “White” view.

This explains the reason we studied twisted, blatant lies as history, literature and science.

So why do we persist with this useless crap? 

The “Bhura Sahibs”who rule us, have used this education system to perpetuate their rule and convert people's democracy into hierarchial system of power passing into their family, from father to son. Nobody exemplifies this better than our famed Nehru-Gandhi Parivar. They created an entire support system through cronyism, corruption & misuse of power to weaken democratic institutions. With weakening of these institutions, the constitutional checks & balances failed to counter the corruption of the soul democracy. This ecosystem today has become so entrenched that it's living in a parasitic relationship within our democracy. Thus any attempts to reform are met with strong, nearly rabid calls of Saffronisation of Education. A modern and open minded approach to reform education is essential. We all know this but we are unable to take a step forward for fear of being labelled as communal, by entrenched vested interests.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji attempted this during NDA - 1, Murli Manohar Joshi as HRD minister was ridiculed for his troubles. Joshi ji tried to rewrite the wrongs out of our books and portray a glorious picture of past. All and sundry stood up to oppose him. Media labelled him regressive, called him names, some even went as far as open abuse.

This time round, too, Smriti Irani was booted out of the HRD ministry. She even presented proofs of wrong writings in a very powerful speech in 2016, inside Lok Sabha. Sadly it was in vain.

No real change will come unless people want that change and are ready to fight for it. So I ask you, the reader, are you willing to lend your voice to demand change? Are you ready to make sure your children grow up learning why Ashoka was great and not that barbarian Mo. Ghazni was a great conqueror and administrator?

Vineet Saxena


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