Friday, July 7, 2017

Islam's Inability to Coexist?


A lot many people, nearly all desi liberals, a few centrists and a few RW will be outraged at the above headline. But what else could be the headline when examples of the above, paint the world in blood, every day, in every newspaper, in every corner of the world.

  •    Pick up a map,
  •      Choose any trouble spot in the world
  •    9 times out of 10, there will be muslims at war with the rest of the world.
This pains me and keeps me awake at night.

I lie awake with FEAR of the what the future will hold for our children?

Will the fires of this war spread and destroy, the world we have so painstakingly made for our children?

Will they grow up and live under the shadow of war?

Yes, WAR, it is war on a scale, the world has never known. And this war is not slowing down, instead its spreading, gaining speed, claiming more victims every day. There is no end in sight. mainly because one protagonist has refused to acknowledge its role in this global war. This protagonist sees itself as a "perpetual victim". A victim, that faces a world, sanctioned by religion, as "perpetual aggressor". These roles are cast in religious colours and questioning of these roles is prohibited, (punishable by death). By claiming and repeating uncountable times, that words of religious books are unquestioningly PERFECT, any scope for a debate & recasting of an ancient worldview is forestalled.

Playing victim justifies many things and excuses many failures.

All wisdoms must be recast with changing of times. Only then, a thought, a belief stays true and relevant. A religion is made to help guide the followers onto the path of righteousness, towards salvation. But when insecure men usurp the mantle of arbitrators of religious beliefs - the faithful leave the path of righteousness and become zealots. Words of wisdom are lost and replaced by rantings of zealous madmen. It is human nature to question long held views, traditions and facts. But today, religion prohibits this. Islamists takes this to the extreme. For them - questioning Islam is equated to blasphemy and made punishable by death. For non-muslims - things are not much better, the "faithful" will gladly send the offending kaffir, on his way to hell.

Today the Islamic world is tearing itself up. Winds of fanaticism are spreading and fires of hatred are burning bright. Muslims are the first victims of these fires. Yet instead of looking at the reasons for this tragedy, they blame the Amriki, Yahood & Hanood. In short the West, the Jew & the Hindu is blamed for every shortcoming, & every failure is somebody else's fault. After religious incantations, "SAAZISH" or conspiracy seems to be oft repeated word. Preference to madarsa education again perpetuates this never ending cycle of hate. Religious indoctrination replaces modern education. This reduces one's chances of employment & turns the "student" into a cog in the wheel of religious fanaticism.

Every man wants a better life for himself and for his family. But lack of education binds the man in low income jobs and poverty. To escape the harsh realities of his life, he seeks solace in religion. Now the self appointed arbitrators of religion make sure that the faithful find a scapegoat to blame all the failures on. The most convenient scapegoat is the "dirty kaffir" that the mulla warned about. It's quite easy to find someone to blame for one's shortcomings and when this blame gets religious sanction.....all the better.

So is poverty the reason? No, it's not. When religious fanaticism infects the human soul, economic station has little importance. The rich, with too much time & money, also fall victim to the "Saazish Infection". This infection adds spice and stimulates their minds dulled with easy comfortable life. They readily succumb to the seductive charms of this "Saazish Infection". It is these affluent people who provide the money to fund the poor foot soldiers who go out in search for that elusive 'Heaven or Jannat"

Coming back to the moot question -

  • *      Has Islam, ever shown any interest or inclination to address its failures?

            Apparently not.

  • *      Has Islam, ever shown any interest in co-existing with diversity, religious or cultural? Apparently not.

  • *      Do Minorities, of any denomination, exist in any significant numbers, in any muslim majority nation?

            Apparently not.

  • *      Leave alone nations, do minorities exist in any muslim dominated locality?

             Apparently not.

*      Can Islam, co-exist with the world?
The answer is apparent.

So what is the solution to this existential crisis???

I have no solutions to offer, no words of comfort. I am no expert on religious matters, no strategist nor am I a philosopher to find answers to such questions. I am a man who fears what the future holds for my children.

But I feel -
The answer lies in reform & recasting of old wisdoms and thoughts. Acceptance of the fact that nothing and no one is perfect and that all we, as humans, can do is strive daily to make better lives for ourselves and our children. But this reform must come from within. It cannot be forced.

Till then lets batten down the hatches and wait for the storm that's coming our way.

Vineet Saxena


  1. True but what's the solution to this. I've tried thinking on the subject but was always lost

  2. My honest opinion is those involved in heinous crimes under the name of Allah & Islam are originally prompted by Political Parties in Islamist Countries later it became a "Profession for Criminal minded Jihadist to nurture their Passion for Cruelty " under some pretext or the other they are now killing ! Your Article "UNHOLY WAR " is appropriate in that sense !


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